$ Greed is Goode $

Virgil Goode, that is.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Goode wants his constituents to live in abject poverty

How does Virg explain his desire for the good people of Southside Virginia who do the work that keeps our economy humming to live on the margins of society? From David Swanson at Democrats.com:

My Congressman, Republican Bush-follower Virgil Goode, recently put out a statement arguing for allowing the minimum wage to continue to decrease because restoring any of its value would attract immigrants to this country. Goode can't seriously imagine that anyone doesn't realize that non-immigrants, too, are affected by the minimum wage. It's just that we've reached the point at which fear of immigrants is expected to persuade us to abuse ourselves, to pick up the chains and voluntarily slip them on. Bush's new proposal for detaining people without charge or probable cause or access to an attorney targets citizens, not just immigrants. We are all in this together, including the Iraqis and the Lebanese and the Palestinians. Only a people that has been trained to fear and abuse others could tolerate what our government is doing to those peoples. Recent immigrants know this better than the rest of us, and we should be recruiting them into the peace movement.

(And, by the way, has anyone nationally noticed that progressive pro-peace Democratic candidate Al Weed is rapidly closing in on Goode in the polls?)


At 9:46 PM, Blogger nevsky42 said...

Great blog!

Having met Al Weed, I can say without reservation that having him in Congress and removing the vacuous dimbulb Goode would make Congress, hell, it would make America, a better place.


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