$ Greed is Goode $

Virgil Goode, that is.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Goode likes money, not Mexicans

Nevermind that immigrants are good for the economy. Virgil Goode thinks that Hispanic immigrants are going to rise up and kill us in our sleep. This is why he hates Spanish. He doesn't like seeing other languages or hearing people speak other languages. Not only is he afraid of other peoples' cultures and ideas, but he is so scared of people that are different from him he would like to amend the CONSTITUTION to officially make their language and culture second-class. This is on Virgil's own website.

H.J.RES.94 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to establish English as the official language of the United States.

English should be the official language of the United States. In countries where there is a lack of a common unifying language, there is more discord and often efforts to split up the country. Having one common language can be a significant unifying force. We need only to look to the north to Canada. Canada has had three elections over the past couple of decades in an effort to split French speaking Quebec off from the rest of the English speaking Canada. I am fearful that we will have efforts in the country in a few years to split up part of the United States. There are some from Mexico who are already saying that the Mexican War was wrong and that the United States should be split in the Southwest.

Having English as our official language is not new. The issue has been before Congress for several years. America has been a great melting pot and country for persons of different backgrounds. We need to ensure that we have a common unifying thread of a language throug! h these diverse backgrounds. Having a common language for a country will make that country stronger and more unified in my opinion.

Nevermind that Hispanic immigrants learn English at the same rate that all immigrant groups have, Virgil Goode honestly believes that the immigrants who come to America because of our way of life would like to try and cause another Civil War to destroy this country. If I remember my history correctly, it was Goode's ancestors who fought to secede from the United States. Most of the casualties at the Alamo were Spanish-speaking Tejanos fighting against the Mexican government, not for it.


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