$ Greed is Goode $

Virgil Goode, that is.

Friday, August 18, 2006

here's a nasty letter

I'll tell you what nice letters do. I wrote a nice letter to Virgil Goode asking him to support the bi-partisan McCain-Feingold Act. I figured that since he was an "independent" at the time, that would be his kind of thing. I still think that bill hurts Democrats as much as or more than Republicans. I also thought it was great that Virg was an Independent. I liked that he could think for himself and do his own thing. Little did I know he didn't give a rat dropping on a Sunday afternoon about being an Independent, thinking for himself, or what I thought about anything. In fact, he wrote me a letter (his staff did) that was very nice, basically asking us to agree to disagree on an issue on which there was bi-partisan agreement. He was also asking for my vote even though I didn't agree with his position on almost anything.

Virgil Goode became an Independent merely so that people wouldn't be able to say that he switched parties faster than George W. Bush makes the decision to bomb Arabs back into the stone age. Of course, if Virg really did care about episotolary nastiness, he'd stop whining about people writing nasty letters and start listening to nice ones that his constituents send to him in good faith.

So, Virgil, take this blog as one giant nasty letter. I don't want you to represent me in Congress anymore because you aren't qualified to do the job. I would like to give someone else a try. It sounds like more and more people agree with me. How about this poll from Zogby International.

A recent survey of Virginia’s 5th Congressional District by Zogby International reveals only 46% of likely voters believe Representative Virgil Goode (R- Rocky Mount) deserves to be re-elected. On a generic congressional ballot, voters favor the Democratic challenger over the Republican incumbent by 48.5% to 37%.


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